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We Would Provide For A Family Member.

Navigating Child Custody Issues In Virginia

Whether you are facing a divorce, separation or an ongoing co-parenting dispute, child custody and support issues can be contentious. Legal matters that affect the well-being of your children have high stakes and require strategic counsel to resolve. Hiring a Roanoke County attorney with deep knowledge of Virginia child custody laws and experience is critical to your success. Hyatt Browning Shirkey Law Firm, PLC, helps clients and attorneys with complex custody issues during and after divorce proceedings.

Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court (JDR) hear most child custody and support disputes. Child custody and child support disputes are highly dependent on the specifics of your situation. In some cases, the court considers the wishes of your child. Predetermined state guidelines generate child support payments. Financial support for basic needs is paid until the child turns 19 or graduates from high school.

What To Know About Child Custody Disputes

Custody is split into two main categories: physical and legal. Physical custody refers to where the child will reside and spend their time. Legal custody refers to the responsibilities of parents to make significant decisions for their child, including on education, religion and more.

Custody can be either joint or sole, depending on the unique circumstances of the dispute. Virginia takes the opinion of the child into consideration if they are old enough. The court will also determine a visitation schedule if both parents cannot mutually agree.

Serving A Variety Of Clients In A Variety Of Situations

In cases that involve accusations of child abuse or Child Protective Services, we can represent you and protect your custodial rights. In addition to facilitating child custody arrangements that uphold the child’s best interests, we defend parents or guardians accused of breach of fiduciary duty or who suspect breach of fiduciary duty on the part of their child’s other parent. Our attorney can serve as a guardian ad litem in particularly contentious custody battles or cases of alleged abuse and neglect. When assistance with enforcement or a post-judgement modification is needed, we provide assertive advocacy.

Calculating Child Support In Virginia

JDR courts also hear child support disputes. Child support payments provide ongoing financial assistance for certain needs and expenses, including:

  • Basic needs like food, clothing and shelter
  • Health insurance costs and some medical expenses
  • Education expenses
  • Extracurricular activities

In Virginia, guidelines considering the income of both parents, the needs of the child, the number of children and more determine the amount and duration of child support payments.

Discuss Matters With A Legal Advocate Today

Hyatt Browning Shirkey Law Firm, PLC, is the law firm to represent you in a custody dispute or other family law concern. Contact us today to get the experienced, reputable help you deserve. Schedule your initial consultation by calling 540-324-9288 or by using our online contact form.

Attorney Shirkey Featured in Roanoke Juvenile Domestic Relations Court – What to Expect Video (3:15)

Attorney Hyatt Browning Shirkey